Friday, January 10, 2014

Doggy Crack

Sweet Potato Chews, people. If you have dogs, buy a couple of sweet potatoes, slice them up in thick (1/4- to 1/2-inch) slices, and bake them at about 175 degrees for 12 to 14 hours (turning every 4ish hours), or until you get a good, chewy consistency.

You can buy sweet potato chews at pet supply stores, but the cost markup is truly obscene. As I recall, it's about $7 for a bag that probably contains one potato. At the grocery store last weekend, I bought four potatoes at a little over $1 a pound, or $4 and change for all four potatoes.

Sliced into thick chunks.
Shrinkage at 14 hours. (I call this one George.)
Happy Doggy. George is no more.
The financial investment is minimal, the time investment is basically slicing the potatoes and then checking the oven three or four times, and there's nothing wrong with a house that smells like sweet potatoes. And they're a bazillion times healthier than raw hides and other chew treats of that type. (Sweet potatoes do have calories, though. Don't go overboard feeding them unless you want a Tubby Terrier.)

Next week's experiment: Red Delicious apples.

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